Profiles Snapshot ™

The Profiles SnapShot™ is the perfect solution for employers that want to make quick, accurate hiring decisions based on their top contributors’ benchmarks.

Assessment Overview

Every job interview is about questions: Can this candidate do the job? How will they do the job? Do they really want to do the job? The current economy rewards employers who can answer these questions quickly and accurately. By focusing on the core factors employers use to make hiring decisions, the Profiles Snapshot ™ can help turn questions into answers in less time and with better results.

Profiles Snapshot ™ delivers the information you need to make smart hiring decisions. Snapshot ™measures a candidate’s personality factors, interests, and cognitive abilities, giving an employer insight into how the candidate learns, reasons, and solves problems. Having this information on demand gives employers the confidence to make the right hire.

The Snapshot ™ also provides benchmarking for individual contributor positions, meaning that employers can now distill the best qualities from their top individual contributors and measure candidates against those standards. The benchmarking feature also generates interview questions for the employer based on the top contributors’ results, taking the guesswork out of how to approach candidate interviews.


Profiles Snapshot ™ is the perfect solution for employers that want to make quick, accurate hiring decisions based on their top contributors’ benchmarks. For more information on Snapshot ™, contact a Profiles International representative.